Ensure your quality of life in your new location

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Find the perfect neighborhood

Detailed Insights on Land and Terrain Across the Globe

Air quality, noise polution, crime rate, demographics, transports, schools, and more...
Gather all the crucial information about your area before making a purchase. Focus on land and terrain, as your surroudings are as important as your property.

One algorithm to rank the land environment

Spatial data

Aggregation of over 700 datasets, providing a comprehensive property assessment to know data you always wanted to know : Noise level, disaster risk, water quality, average humidity…


Analyzes and aggregates data to generate a location rating. The algorithm adapts to your inputs, offering tailored scores for your chosen areas.

Adapted score

Select from various factors (nature, demographics, transports, surroundings, proximity) and let our algorithm give you a score from F to S+ on your chosen areas.